Programs of Excellence are now open!
The Gap State High School offers an exclusive point of difference through our Programs of Excellence which are tailor-made to enhance student outcomes in a number of areas including Honours, AMPed (Accelerated Music Program), Specialist Volleyball, Science, Technology Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM),and Applied Positive Psychology (APP).
The Application Process and timelines for all Programs of Excellence are available on the school website under their respective sections.
Accelerated Music Program (AMPed)
The Gap State High School Accelerated Music Program (AMPed) is for high performing students who have the music ability and initiative, alongside a strong commitment to music studies.
AMPed students are provided with an opportunity to study AMEB theory aligned with their Instrumental studies and accelerate through the Australian Curriculum Years 7 to 10 and the Senior Phase Music Curriculum (Years 11 to 12) one year ahead of their cohort.
Academic Honours Program
Academic Honours - Student Leadership
An opportunity to lead.
The Gap State High School is proud to announce its Honours Signature Program. This initiative encourages students’ academic mastery anchored with The Gap State High School’s core values. The Gap State High School celebrates performance orientated pursuits; however, mastery learning offers additional benefits as student enjoyment and gratification isn’t related exclusively to report performance indicators.
Academic Honours - German Immursion
The Honours: German Immersion Program is a program of academic excellence. It offers students in our school a unique opportunity to challenge themselves academically while becoming highly proficient in German. Honours: German Immersion is designed for students with little or no previous background in German. Students learn a number of subjects using German as the medium of communication. Use of German as the medium of communication will enable students to engage with creative thought and expressions in German in a wide range of academic and cultural contexts.

Specialist Volleyball Program (SVP)
The Gap State High School Specialist Volleyball Program is an excellence program aimed at fostering holistic athletic development of talented students in the area of Volleyball.
The program aims to promote conduct, knowledge and skills, benefiting the students in their performance of volleyball and other sports; academic and vocational pursuits; and personal development and to develop young people through interactions based on personal challenge, collaborative group work and team dynamics.