
1:1 Laptop Program


The Gap State High School requires students to have their own laptop as part of our 1:1 program. Our school offers the following two device programs:

CYOD - Choose Your Own Device

Our school introduced the CYOD program in 2021 which offers parents the opportunity to purchase a laptop through the school. These laptops are managed and maintained by the school for the selected warranty period. Laptops as part of this program are also purchased with Accidental Damage Protection (ADP) for the duration of the warranty period (limited to one free claim per calendar year). Students are also able to access hot swap devices for the duration of any warranty or ADP claims. 

Please refer to the CYOD page for further information.

BYOD - Bring Your Own Device

The BYOD program permits students to bring their own personal laptop for school use. BYOD laptops must meet the minimum requirements.

Please refer to the BYOD page for further information.

Digital Learning

Students learning is enhanced by our schools use of online platforms and resources. This included access to Stile (online learning platform) , ReadCloud (digital textbooks), Education Perfect, Office 365, ClickView, eBook libraries and a huge range of subject specific tools and resources all of which are provided by the school.

Device Charging

All laptops are expected to be fully charged at home each night. Laptops should not be used for gaming or non-related activities that prevent them being ready for classroom usage.

Teachers are not expected to provide chargers or powerpoints for charging for students who may have run out of charge. This can be a workplace health & safety issue where cords are trip hazards and may not have been electrical tested for safety recently.

Last reviewed 16 July 2024
Last updated 16 July 2024