
Design and Technologies

Design and Technologies covers a wide variety of subjects.  All subjects are informed by either the Australian Curriculum, QCAA or Vocational Education and Training outcomes. 

By studying design and technology subjects, students develop knowledge, understanding and skills in broad range of real-life environments.  From food and fashion to construction and engineering students create and analyse solutions for living.

When choosing Design and Technology subjects students will:

  • apply practical skills to real world living contexts
  • solve problems and make decisions
  • design appropriate solutions for day to day living

Students in Years 7 and 8 will study a semester of Industrial Technologies and Design and Food Technologies.  In Year 9, electives consist of Graphical Technologies and Design, Materials and Technologies Specialisation, Engineering Principles and Systems, Food Technologies and Food and Fashion.

In the Senior School, Year 10 have access to Industrial Technology Skills, Engineering Principles and Systems, Industrial Graphics Skills and Food Technology.  Year 11 and 12 have a mixture of general, applied and VET subjects available.  Engineering Principles and Systems, Industrial Technology and Design, Industrial Graphics Skills, Certificate II and III in Hospitality and Certificate I in Construction.

For further information about each subject and its content and assessment please refer to the relevant curriculum handbook.

Head of Department Ross Duncan

Last reviewed 30 March 2021
Last updated 30 March 2021